Friday, December 14, 2012

"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind."     George Orwell
Can you define "Blow Smoke" for _____________________???????


Friday, November 9, 2012

"An empty stomach is not a good political adviser."      Albert Einstein

No one is a good advisor when hungry.


Friday, October 12, 2012

"The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes."         Aristotle

If this was known so many years ago and the greatest American economy and happiness existed when this statement was true, why did we turn our backs to this principle?


Friday, September 14, 2012

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

We do make light of the fact life is short and we only have one shot.  We know we will have many failures in life, but our goal should be to learn from these failures and/or mistakes to become a better person.


Friday, August 10, 2012

"He must increase, but I must decrease."   John the Baptist Speaking

I believe this becomes easier with age and wisdom, but oh how difficult in the younger years.


Friday, July 13, 2012

"Is what you're living for worth Christ dying for?"      Epitaph of Leonard Ravenhill

I believe we all no the truthful answer, NO.  It is nice to have such a forgiving Savior.


Friday, June 8, 2012

"Only Christ could build a bridge to God with only two pieces of wood."  Anonymous

We need to accept that Christ is the connection our world must hold on to or we will continue this downward spiral of ethics and morals.  Our country was founded on Christianity, how can our government and people within this country ignore this and allow our future success to be destroyed because we do not acknowledge Christ as our Lord and Savior.


Friday, May 11, 2012

There are only two days on my calendar... today and the day of judgment.  Martin Luther

I believe this needs no elaboration.


Friday, April 13, 2012

"I can seldom read scripture now without tears of joy and gratitude."     Hudson Taylor

We should challenge ourselves to read scripture daily, but more importantly to read as a child would read a book.  Remove our personal situations and thoughts from the reading process and open our hearts to God's word.


Friday, March 9, 2012

"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it."

If only we can believe.  The foundation of Faith is to believe and we all hear ourselves say "I have Faith".  My words of encouragement today are to believe in faith, happiness, love and most importantly, Jesus Christ.


Friday, February 10, 2012

"Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy me an iphone, which is pretty much the same thing."

WOW, this makes us think how unfocused our society has become on the core values and principles that founded this country.  We think of it as a joke, but as a father I see how the kids act today and how sad it is.  We hear the economics of the 1% hold the wealth in this world, but what is the current percentage of kids that will even have a chance to go to college and have a normal job like our generation and our parents before us.

If a person does not have Faith, it is time this country redirect itself toward God everyday, not just during terrorist attacks, as we are under attack everyday.


Friday, January 13, 2012

"A HUG is a great gift - Free, 1 size fits all, and easy to exchange."

Let's try this as a medical prescription for 365 days.
